Your LinkedIn Profile Mastered Book Release


After editing and publishing five books for my father-in-law Douglas M. Curran, I decided to publish my first book: Your LinkedIn Profile Mastered: 14 expert tips for instant impact.

Why This Book?
After 27 years at my previous employer, I found myself unemployed for the first time. Like many, I hadn’t kept my LinkedIn profile up to date. During my job search, I realized how crucial it was to make a great first impression on hiring managers, recruiters, and everyone’s favorite, the ATS software.

What’s Inside?
This book is designed to save you time and reduce the overwhelm during your job search. Each of the 14 tips includes clear instructions, examples, and easy-to-follow steps. LinkedIn changes often, and this book reflects the latest updates, ensuring the steps and examples are as relevant and helpful as possible.

Your Feedback Matters
I want this book to save you time so you can focus on the more important things in your life. To improve and refine this book, I need your feedback. Please send your comments to If you’re willing to provide a five-star review on Amazon, email me the link to your review along with your Venmo name, and I’ll send you $1 as a token of appreciation.

14 tips covered in the book:
1. Tip #1 Your Profile URL
2. Tip #2 Professional Headshot
3. Tip #3 Custom Background Image
4. Tip #4 Headline / Intro Section
5. Tip #5 Summary / About Section
6. Tip #6 500+ Connections
7. Tip #7 Experience
8. Tip #8 Education
9. Tip #9 Skills and Endorsements
10. Tip #10 Groups
11. Tip #11 Custom Profile Section
12. Tip #12 Applicant Tracking System
13. Tip #13 Job Searching? Why Profile Views Matter
14. Tip #14 Settings

Ready to transform your LinkedIn profile? Grab your copy of Your LinkedIn Profile Mastered: 14 Expert Tips for Instant Impact today!

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The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success by Brian Tracy

I highly recommend reading or listening to The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success by Brian Tracy. This book provides rapid fire practical principles and insights for success in business, leadership, personal development, and life. Each law highlights key principles that, when followed, can lead to better decision-making, stronger leadership, improved customer relationships, and personal fulfillmentaimed at achieving success in business and life. The book emphasizes laws related to productivity, leadership, finances, personal development, and decision-making.

Here are my notes to give you a better idea on what is covered and to hopefully motivate you to read his book.

The Laws of Life

  1. The Law of Cause and Effect: Everything happens for a reason; there is a cause for every effect.
  2. The Law of Belief: Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.
  3. The Law of Expectations: Whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
  4. The Law of Attraction: You are a living magnet; you attract people, situations, and opportunities that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
  5. The Law of Correspondence: Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

The Laws of Success

  1. The Law of Control: You feel positive about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life.
  2. The Law of Accident: Life is a series of random events and occurrences over which you have no control.
  3. The Law of Responsibility: You are completely responsible for everything you are, everything you have, and everything you become.
  4. The Law of Direction: Successful people have a clear sense of direction and purpose in life.
  5. The Law of Compensation: You are always fully compensated for what you do, no more, no less.

The Laws of Business

  1. The Law of Purpose: The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer.
  2. The Law of Organization: A business organization exists to create and keep customers.
  3. The Law of Customer Satisfaction: The customer is always right.
  4. The Law of Quality: The quality of a product or service is the key determinant of the success of a business.
  5. The Law of Innovation: In business, innovation is the key to success, longevity, and competitive advantage.

The Laws of Leadership

  1. The Law of Integrity: Great leadership is built on integrity, honesty, and credibility.
  2. The Law of Courage: It takes courage to lead, to make tough decisions, and to persist in the face of challenges.
  3. The Law of Realism: Leaders deal in reality.
  4. The Law of Power: A leader’s power is derived from the trust, respect, and admiration of their followers.
  5. The Law of Example: Leaders lead by example in all aspects of their lives.

The Laws of Money

  1. The Law of Value: Your earning ability is a reflection of the value you provide to others.
  2. The Law of Wealth: Wealth is the result of the accumulation of value over time.
  3. The Law of Capital: Your most valuable resource is your earning ability.
  4. The Law of Time: Time is money. The way you use your time largely determines the amount of money you earn.
  5. The Law of Investing: Proper investing of time and money is essential for building wealth.

The Laws of Selling

  1. The Law of Sales: All successful businesses rely on selling their products or services.
  2. The Law of Need: Successful selling begins with identifying the customer’s needs.
  3. The Law of Persuasion: People are persuaded by reason, emotion, and credibility.
  4. The Law of Negotiation: Life is a series of negotiations; the ability to negotiate well determines your success.
  5. The Law of Relationships: People prefer to do business with those they know, like, and trust.

The Laws of Negotiating

  1. The Law of Desire: In every negotiation, one party wants something more than the other.
  2. The Law of Advantage: In negotiations, whoever prepares best has the advantage.
  3. The Law of Maximization: The more you ask for in negotiations, the more you will achieve.
  4. The Law of Timing: Timing is everything in negotiation.
  5. The Law of Integrity in Negotiations: Always act with integrity in your dealings.

The Laws of Time Management

  1. The Law of Clarity: Clear goals and priorities are essential for effective time management.
  2. The Law of Priorities: You must focus on the most important tasks first.
  3. The Law of Concentration: Success comes from sustained focus and concentration.
  4. The Law of Time Pressure: Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
  5. The Law of Leverage: You can leverage time through delegation and efficiency.

The Laws of Personal Development

  1. The Law of Habit: Successful people are those with successful habits.
  2. The Law of Discipline: Discipline is doing what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.
  3. The Law of Persistence: Persistence in the face of adversity is a key determinant of success.
  4. The Law of Self-Confidence: Self-confidence is the foundation of all personal achievement.
  5. The Law of Self-Respect: How much you respect yourself determines how much others will respect you.

The Laws of Happiness

  1. The Law of Happiness: Happiness is achieved through continuous growth and fulfillment.
  2. The Law of Service: The more you serve others, the happier you will be.
  3. The Law of Relationships: The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.
  4. The Law of Contribution: The more you contribute to others, the more happiness you will experience.
  5. The Law of Gratitude: Happiness comes from being grateful for what you have.

The Laws of Achievement

  1. The Law of Success: Success is the result of hard work, determination, and learning from failure.
  2. The Law of Mastery: To achieve greatness, you must master your craft through deliberate practice.
  3. The Law of Influence: Your ability to influence others will determine your long-term success.
  4. The Law of Excellence: Excellence is a habit developed by focusing on continuous improvement.
  5. The Law of Opportunity: Every problem contains within it an opportunity to grow and improve.

The Laws of Decision-Making

  1. The Law of Clarity in Decision-Making: The clearer you are about your decision, the better your outcome.
  2. The Law of Alternatives: The more alternatives you have, the better your decision will be.
  3. The Law of Risk: Every decision carries some level of risk, but avoiding decisions is often riskier.
  4. The Law of Decision: Success in business and life comes from making decisions quickly and changing them slowly.
  5. The Law of Opportunity Cost: Every decision has a cost, and choosing one option means forgoing another.

The Laws of Problem-Solving

  1. The Law of Problem Definition: The more clearly you can define a problem, the easier it is to solve.
  2. The Law of Creativity: Every problem can be solved with creative thinking.
  3. The Law of Focused Attention: Focusing on a problem intently often leads to the best solution.
  4. The Law of Timing in Problem-Solving: Some problems solve themselves with time, while others require immediate action.
  5. The Law of Problem Ownership: You are responsible for solving your own problems and challenges.

The Laws of Communication

  1. The Law of Clarity in Communication: Clear communication leads to better understanding and fewer mistakes.
  2. The Law of Listening: Effective communication is 50% listening and 50% speaking.
  3. The Law of Feedback: Continuous feedback is essential for improving communication.
  4. The Law of Preparation: The more you prepare before communicating, the better the outcome.
  5. The Law of Empathy: The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes enhances your communication.

The Laws of Persuasion

  1. The Law of Reciprocity: People feel obligated to return a favor, and this can be used in persuasion.
  2. The Law of Scarcity: People value things more when they believe those things are scarce.
  3. The Law of Authority: People are more likely to be persuaded by those who are seen as credible or authoritative.
  4. The Law of Liking: We are more likely to be influenced by people we like or admire.
  5. The Law of Commitment: People are more likely to follow through on something if they’ve made a public commitment to it.

The Laws of Influence

  1. The Law of Reciprocity in Influence: Influence grows when you give more than you take.
  2. The Law of Consistency: People are more likely to follow through if they have been consistent in the past.
  3. The Law of Social Proof: People tend to follow the actions of the masses, especially when uncertain.
  4. The Law of Unity: Building strong unity and alignment within a group enhances influence.
  5. The Law of Transparency: The more open and transparent you are, the easier it is to influence others.

The Laws of Customer Service

  1. The Law of Satisfaction: A satisfied customer is the best source of repeat business and referrals.
  2. The Law of Customer Loyalty: It is easier and cheaper to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones.
  3. The Law of Delight: Exceeding customer expectations leads to customer delight and long-term loyalty.
  4. The Law of Responsiveness: The faster you respond to customer needs and complaints, the more loyal they will become.
  5. The Law of Relationship-Building: Strong relationships with customers are the foundation of long-term business success.

The Laws of Personal Power

  1. The Law of Self-Esteem: High self-esteem is the foundation of personal power and influence.
  2. The Law of Responsibility for Results: The more responsibility you take, the more power you have.
  3. The Law of Positive Expectancy: Optimistic people achieve more because they believe in positive outcomes.
  4. The Law of Self-Control: Personal power grows with self-discipline and emotional control.
  5. The Law of Courage in Personal Power: Courage enables you to take risks and seize opportunities that lead to greater personal power.

The Laws of Teamwork

  1. The Law of Cooperation: The most effective teams are built on mutual cooperation and collaboration.
  2. The Law of Contribution: Team members are motivated when they feel they are making valuable contributions.
  3. The Law of Group Synergy: A team working together can achieve more than the sum of individual efforts.
  4. The Law of Communication in Teams: Open and honest communication is essential for effective teamwork.
  5. The Law of Common Goals: Teams work best when everyone is aligned toward a shared goal or vision.

The Laws of Achievement

  1. The Law of Preparation in Achievement: Thorough preparation is the foundation of successful achievement.
  2. The Law of Priorities in Achievement: Focusing on the highest-value tasks brings the most significant results.
  3. The Law of Perseverance: Persistence in the face of obstacles is key to achievement.
  4. The Law of Accountability: Accountability increases the likelihood of achieving your goals.
  5. The Law of Gratitude in Achievement: Gratitude enhances your ability to achieve by fostering positivity and resilience.

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success by Brian Tracy Read More »

Best Marketing and Business Books in 2024

Here are five star marketing or business books I have read in 2024.

  1. Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot
    • by Matt Abrahams
  2. Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers
    • by Fred Reichheld
  3. The Clayton M. Christensen Reader
    • by Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business Review
  4. The Amazon Way: Amazon’s Leadership Principles
    • by John Rossman
  5. Harvard Business Review Leader’s Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
    • by Ron Ashkenas, Brook Manville
  6. Personal Branding for Dummies
    • by M. Ed Susan Chritton
  7. The Agile Brand Guide to Customer Data Platforms: Evaluating, buying, and implementing a CDP for marketers
    • by Greg Kihlstrom
  8. The Center of Experience, Second Edition: A bluprint for creating the experience-led enterprise
    • by Greg Kihlstrom
  9. Busting Silos: How Snowflake Unites Sales and Marketing to Win its Best Customers
    • by Hillary Carpio, Travis Henry, Denise Persson
  10. House of the Customer: A blueprint for one-to-one, customer-first, employee-driven business transformation
    • by Greg Kihlstrom, Barry Padgett

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Best Marketing and Business Books in 2023

Here are five star marketing or business books I have read in 2023.

  1. The Agile Brand Guide: MarTech Stack Evaluation
    • by Greg Kihlstrom
  2. Pillar-Based Marketing
    • by Christopher Day, Ryan Brock
  3. Aligned to Achieve: How to Unite Your Sales and Marketing Teams into a Single Force for Growth
    • by Tracy Eiler, Andrea Austin
  4. The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions FAil – But Some Don’t
    • by Nate Silver
  5. The Time to Win: How to Exceed Your Customers’ Need for Speed
    • by Jay Baer
  6. The CLV Revolution: Transform Your Ecommerce with Customer Value Optimization
    • by Valentin Radu
  7. Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
    • by Alistair Croll, Benjamin Yoskovitz
  8. The Ultimate Question 2.0: How Net Promoter Companies Thrive in a Customer-Driven World
    • by Fred Reichheld, Rob Markey
  9. Lead!: How to Build a High-Performing Team
    • by Dale Carnegie & Associates
  10. Strategic Database Marketing: The Masterplan for Starting and Managing a Profitable Customer-Based Marketing Program
    • by Arthur Middleton Hughes
  11. Thinking, Fast and Slow
    • by Daniel Kahneman
  12. Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break througu the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less
    • by Joe Pulizzi
  13. Why People Buy: The Real Reason Features and Benefits Selling DOESN’T WORK
    • by Greg Nanigian, David H. Mattson
  14. The Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking
    • by Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschappeler
  15. Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management
    • by Michael J.A. Berry, Gordon S. Linoff
  16. Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen
    • by Dan Heath
  17. The Martech Handbook: Build a Technology Stack to Attract and Retain Customers
    • by Darrell Alfonso
  18. Competing Against Luck
    • by Clayton M. Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall
  19. The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy: Classic Concepts and New Perspectives
    • by Carl W. Stern, Michael S. Deimler
  20. The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists
    • by Richard P. Rumelt
  21. They Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today’s Digital Consumer
    • by Marcus Sheridan, Krista Kotria
  22. Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy
    • by Joan Magretta

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Satan and His Lies Exposed Book Release

I wasn’t able to meet my father-in-law. Doug had a lot of writings including poems, songs, children’s stories and religious books. His flagship undertaking is a book called Satan and His Lies Exposed which I had the opportunity to edit and publish during a period of unemployment. I am excited to announce that this book is now released and available digitally on Amazon Kindle or in paperback.

I am hoping this fulfills one of his dreams and perhaps can help his widowed wife with some financial assistance. If you are a Christian and want to better know our adversary and our advocate, or have questions about where we came from before this life, the purpose of our time on earth, or where we go after this life, you will love this book.

Please visit our Facebook page where we share more about the book.

Also, although this content is in the description of the Amazon book page, I thought it would be helpful to list the 15 critical questions that get answered in this book.

  1. What was the War in Heaven, what was it about, and who was there?
  2. How does understanding Jesus’ pre-mortal existence affect our understanding of the Plan of Salvation?
  3. How does Satan’s knowledge of our pre-earth existence give him an advantage in his efforts against us?
  4. Who was Satan in the pre-earth life and what was the significance of him being cast out of heaven?
  5. What is Satan’s ultimate goal and how can we protect ourselves from his influence?
  6. Why was the Fall in the Garden of Eden necessary and Adam and Eve’s decision not one of ignorance?
  7. What do Jesus’ parables teach us about the battle between good and evil?
  8. Who are Jesus’ “other sheep” mentioned in John 10:16?
  9. What happened to Christ’s church after the apostles were killed, what is the apostasy, and what is the significance of the Council of Nicaea?
  10. Why is receiving a physical body important to our eternal progress?
  11. Why would hell may be more of a state of mind than an actual place?
  12. What is the difference between the free resurrection (immortality) and eternal life?
  13. Why is it important we see ourselves as a child of God?
  14. How does the gospel of Jesus Christ help us overcome worldly identities?
  15. What is the significance of baptism and affiliation with Jesus Christ’s true church?

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